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  • How to Write Authentic Content with AI: A Deep Dive

How to Write Authentic Content with AI: A Deep Dive

Laying the Groundwork: Essentials Before Diving into the StoryPath Protocol

The Struggle with AI Writing

You’ve probably tried countless strategies to make your AI-generated content less mechanical. Maybe you’ve overloaded it with data, hoping that more information would translate into better writing. Yet, despite your best efforts, it still misses the mark, often disregarding key instructions. Or perhaps you’ve experimented with various AI tools, each promising to be the solution. Unfortunately, none have lived up to the hype. After writing nearly 300 blog posts across numerous markets, I’ve learned that success hinges on thorough research and careful planning before prompting.

Instead of streamlining your workflow, you’re often left fine-tuning the AI’s output—adjusting words, tweaking phrases, and desperately trying to inject some life into a text that feels inert. Even then, it’s still not quite right. The time you spend editing could have been spent writing the piece from scratch.

Craft Your Unique Voice: Establishing Your Fingerprint

To create AI-written content that resonates as human, you need a distinct style. Not just any style, but one that is unmistakably your own. Think about your favorite authors—each has a unique voice, a way of conveying ideas that’s distinctly theirs. That’s what keeps you engaged.

In contrast, AI starts as a blank slate. Without guidance, it produces content that is flat, generic, and devoid of personality. Without your unique imprint, your content blends into the vast sea of mediocrity. It’s like entering a room where everyone is dressed identically—no one stands out.

To begin cultivating your style, you might consider feeding the AI with your past writings, asking it to analyze your voice. However, if you’re still finding your voice, the process requires time and effort. The best way to develop it is by writing—frequently and intentionally. Emulate a writer you admire, and over time, your own nuances will emerge.

For seasoned writers, the task is more straightforward. Identify your quirks—whether it’s a fondness for metaphors, a talent for wordplay, or a penchant for dry humor. Embrace these elements and instruct the AI to incorporate more of what defines your voice.

Feed Your Ideas: The Power of Original Thought

AI is a reflection of what it’s been fed. If you desire authentic content, you must supply it with original ideas—those born from your experiences, insights, and unique perspective.

Depending on AI for ideas is like relying on a GPS without a destination in mind. It’ll guide you somewhere, but not necessarily where you need to go. While AI excels at processing data, analyzing patterns, and mimicking trends, it cannot replicate the spark of human creativity.

Here’s how to generate ideas that can be fed into AI:

  1. Note-taking System: Capture and connect your learning using a dynamic note-taking system. For me, it’s Google Docs & Bullet Journal.

  2. Diverse Information Sources: Seek out less mainstream information within your industry to uncover new insights. Perplexity.ai is a great gathering source.

  3. Interactive Brainstorming: Engage in a dialogue with AI, exploring its responses and brainstorming new directions.

Before engaging the AI, take a moment to brainstorm independently. What message do you want to convey? What story can only you tell? What fresh perspective can you offer? Once you’ve clarified these ideas, you can then allow the AI to assist in fleshing them out. Miro’s Mind Mapping Space is perfect for brainstorming.

Think of AI as a creative assistant, not the lead author.

Structure Your Thoughts: The Necessity of an Outline

An outline is more than just a guide—it’s your roadmap. It delineates your starting point, your destination, and the path you’ll take to get there.

An outline is the difference between a cohesive, compelling article and a disjointed array of words. Without it, your content meanders, losing both focus and your reader’s attention. Readers shouldn’t have to piece together your message—if they do, they’ll simply click away.

Consider this article: Each subsection hones in on a single idea. The AI was prompted with these specific ideas before any generation occurred.

The Final Polish: Your Role in the Process

Too many writers fall into the trap of expecting AI to do all the heavy lifting. They want AI to produce a complete, polished piece with minimal input. But AI isn’t a magic wand. It’s more like a diligent assistant—excellent at managing the groundwork but still in need of your direction to get things just right.

The mistake comes when you view AI as the writer rather than the assistant. You might be tempted to accept the AI’s output as good enough. Newsflash: It’s not.

Don’t be complacent. Spend a few extra minutes refining the AI’s output. Appreciate the time it saved you in drafting, but recognize that those final touches—your touches—make all the difference between content that’s passable and content that resonates.

Think of the AI as a rough draft. It’s a foundation, not the finished product.

Crafting Authenticity

Creating authentic content with AI isn’t about tricking readers into thinking a machine wrote it. It’s about using AI to amplify your voice, not replace it. Cultivate your unique style, infuse your content with your own ideas, start with a solid outline, and always finish with a human touch. That’s how you write authentic content with AI.

What’s Coming Next Week?

I’ll start sharing how the StoryPath Protocol was invented and how it became the holy trinity of content marketing.

Cheers! Mike